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Codeforces 1746D: Paths on the Tree
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- Take advantage when there are TWO choices available for some objects. This can be an indication to use DP. Consider storing the difference between the two choices and sorting to determine the optimal choices. by mathmastersd
- A greedy strategy for graphs (and probably more generally) is to first take care of things at the bottom that will NOT affect others. Then, work your way upwards. by mathmastersd
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Codeforces 1506F: Triangular Paths
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- When dealing with even/odd numbers in a problem, see if the moves are designed for numbers to stay odd or stay even. In general, check in a problem if some characteristic is always the same (e.g. number being even). by mathmastersd
- Try to do the moves that are advantageous first to work to a desired result and then finish the rest of the moves to get a desired result (greedy strategy). by mathmastersd
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Codeforces 1801D: The way home
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- Use Dynamic programming and djikstra algorithm by pranav_02
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Codeforces 1370D: Odd-Even Subsequence
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- When choosing elements from a list whose indices MUST have certain separation, consider using dynamic programming (DP). by mathmastersd
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