Over 20,000 problems available: AMC 8/10/12 and AIME problems from 2010-2024; USAJMO/USAMO problems from 2002-2024; USACO problems from 2014 to 2024 (all divisions); all Codeforces, AtCoder and DMOJ problems. If you leave the search field blank, it returns all problems with the specified type.


Need help searching? Click for format/examples of problems
  • AMC 8: [year] AMC 8 Problem #, Ex: 2013 AMC 8 Problem 1
  • AMC 10: [year] AMC 10A Problem # OR [year] AMC 10B Problem #, Ex: 2015 AMC 10A Problem 16
  • AMC 12: [year] AMC 12A Problem # OR [year] AMC 12B Problem #, Ex: 2021 AMC 12B Problem 25
  • AIME: [year] AIME I Problem # OR [year] AIME II Problem #, Ex: 2013 AIME I Problem 8
  • USAJMO/USAMO: [year] USAJMO/USAMO Problem #, Ex: 2023 USAJMO Problem 1
  • Codeforces: Codeforces [contest id (e.g. 101)][problem id (e.g. A, B, C)]: [Codeforces problem name], Ex: Codeforces 1336F: Journey
  • AtCoder: AtCoder [contest id (e.g. ABC314, ARC164, ZONE2021)]: [problem id (A, B, C)]. [Problem name], Ex: AtCoder ZONE2021: E. Sneaking
  • DMOJ: DMOJ [contest name (if applicable)] [problem number (e.g. P1)] - [Problem name], Ex: DMOJ Yet Another Contest 3 P1 - Shell Swap Scam
  • USACO: [year] [contest month (e.g. January, US Open)], [division (e.g. Gold)]: [Problem name], Ex: USACO 2023 US Open Contest, Bronze: Rotate and Shift

ID Problem Name (click to add insights/hints, view summary of insights/hints and similar problems)
1350 Codeforces 300A: Array
1349 Codeforces 299B: Ksusha the Squirrel
1348 Codeforces 299A: Ksusha and Array
1347 Codeforces 298B: Sail
1346 Codeforces 298A: Snow Footprints
1345 Codeforces 297E: Mystic Carvings
1344 Codeforces 297D: Color the Carpet
1343 Codeforces 297C: Splitting the Uniqueness
1342 Codeforces 297B: Fish Weight
1341 Codeforces 297A: Parity Game
1340 Codeforces 296B: Yaroslav and Two Strings
1339 Codeforces 296A: Yaroslav and Permutations
1338 Codeforces 295E: Yaroslav and Points
1337 Codeforces 295D: Greg and Caves
1336 Codeforces 295C: Greg and Friends
1335 Codeforces 295B: Greg and Graph
1334 Codeforces 295A: Greg and Array
1333 Codeforces 294E: Shaass the Great
1332 Codeforces 294D: Shaass and Painter Robot
1331 Codeforces 294C: Shaass and Lights
1330 Codeforces 294B: Shaass and Bookshelf
1329 Codeforces 294A: Shaass and Oskols
1328 Codeforces 293E: Close Vertices
1327 Codeforces 293D: Ksusha and Square
1326 Codeforces 293C: Cube Problem
1325 Codeforces 293B: Distinct Paths
1324 Codeforces 293A: Weird Game
1323 Codeforces 292E: Copying Data
1322 Codeforces 292D: Connected Components
1321 Codeforces 292C: Beautiful IP Addresses
1320 Codeforces 292B: Network Topology
1319 Codeforces 292A: SMSC
1318 Codeforces 291E: Tree-String Problem
1317 Codeforces 291D: Parallel Programming
1316 Codeforces 291C: Network Mask
1315 Codeforces 291B: Command Line Arguments
1314 Codeforces 291A: Spyke Talks
1313 Codeforces 290F: Greedy Petya
1312 Codeforces 290E: HQ
1311 Codeforces 290D: Orange
1310 Codeforces 290C: WTF?
1309 Codeforces 290B: QR code
1308 Codeforces 290A: Mysterious strings
1307 Codeforces 289B: Polo the Penguin and Matrix
1306 Codeforces 289A: Polo the Penguin and Segments
1305 Codeforces 288E: Polo the Penguin and Lucky Numbers
1304 Codeforces 288D: Polo the Penguin and Trees
1303 Codeforces 288C: Polo the Penguin and XOR operation
1302 Codeforces 288B: Polo the Penguin and Houses
1301 Codeforces 288A: Polo the Penguin and Strings
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