Over 20,000 problems available: AMC 8/10/12 and AIME problems from 2010-2024; USAJMO/USAMO problems from 2002-2024; USACO problems from 2014 to 2024 (all divisions); all Codeforces, AtCoder and DMOJ problems. If you leave the search field blank, it returns all problems with the specified type.


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  • AMC 8: [year] AMC 8 Problem #, Ex: 2013 AMC 8 Problem 1
  • AMC 10: [year] AMC 10A Problem # OR [year] AMC 10B Problem #, Ex: 2015 AMC 10A Problem 16
  • AMC 12: [year] AMC 12A Problem # OR [year] AMC 12B Problem #, Ex: 2021 AMC 12B Problem 25
  • AIME: [year] AIME I Problem # OR [year] AIME II Problem #, Ex: 2013 AIME I Problem 8
  • USAJMO/USAMO: [year] USAJMO/USAMO Problem #, Ex: 2023 USAJMO Problem 1
  • Codeforces: Codeforces [contest id (e.g. 101)][problem id (e.g. A, B, C)]: [Codeforces problem name], Ex: Codeforces 1336F: Journey
  • AtCoder: AtCoder [contest id (e.g. ABC314, ARC164, ZONE2021)]: [problem id (A, B, C)]. [Problem name], Ex: AtCoder ZONE2021: E. Sneaking
  • DMOJ: DMOJ [contest name (if applicable)] [problem number (e.g. P1)] - [Problem name], Ex: DMOJ Yet Another Contest 3 P1 - Shell Swap Scam
  • USACO: [year] [contest month (e.g. January, US Open)], [division (e.g. Gold)]: [Problem name], Ex: USACO 2023 US Open Contest, Bronze: Rotate and Shift

ID Problem Name (click to add insights/hints, view summary of insights/hints and similar problems)
2150 Codeforces 500C: New Year Book Reading
2149 Codeforces 500B: New Year Permutation
2148 Codeforces 500A: New Year Transportation
2147 Codeforces 499B: Lecture
2146 Codeforces 499A: Watching a movie
2145 Codeforces 498E: Stairs and Lines
2144 Codeforces 498D: Traffic Jams in the Land
2143 Codeforces 498C: Array and Operations
2142 Codeforces 498B: Name That Tune
2141 Codeforces 498A: Crazy Town
2140 Codeforces 497E: Subsequences Return
2139 Codeforces 497D: Gears
2138 Codeforces 496E: Distributing Parts
2137 Codeforces 496D: Tennis Game
2136 Codeforces 496C: Removing Columns
2135 Codeforces 496B: Secret Combination
2134 Codeforces 496A: Minimum Difficulty
2133 Codeforces 495B: Modular Equations
2132 Codeforces 495A: Digital Counter
2131 Codeforces 494E: Sharti
2130 Codeforces 494D: Birthday
2129 Codeforces 494C: Helping People
2128 Codeforces 494B: Obsessive String
2127 Codeforces 494A: Treasure
2126 Codeforces 493E: Vasya and Polynomial
2125 Codeforces 493D: Vasya and Chess
2124 Codeforces 493C: Vasya and Basketball
2123 Codeforces 493B: Vasya and Wrestling
2122 Codeforces 493A: Vasya and Football
2121 Codeforces 492E: Vanya and Field
2120 Codeforces 492D: Vanya and Computer Game
2119 Codeforces 492C: Vanya and Exams
2118 Codeforces 492B: Vanya and Lanterns
2117 Codeforces 492A: Vanya and Cubes
2116 Codeforces 491C: Deciphering
2115 Codeforces 491B: New York Hotel
2114 Codeforces 491A: Up the hill
2113 Codeforces 490F: Treeland Tour
2112 Codeforces 490E: Restoring Increasing Sequence
2111 Codeforces 490D: Chocolate
2110 Codeforces 490C: Hacking Cypher
2109 Codeforces 490B: Queue
2108 Codeforces 490A: Team Olympiad
2107 Codeforces 489F: Special Matrices
2106 Codeforces 489E: Hiking
2105 Codeforces 489D: Unbearable Controversy of Being
2104 Codeforces 489C: Given Length and Sum of Digits...
2103 Codeforces 489B: BerSU Ball
2102 Codeforces 489A: SwapSort
2101 Codeforces 488B: Candy Boxes
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