Over 20,000 problems available: AMC 8/10/12 and AIME problems from 2010-2024; USAJMO/USAMO problems from 2002-2024; USACO problems from 2014 to 2024 (all divisions); all Codeforces, AtCoder and DMOJ problems. If you leave the search field blank, it returns all problems with the specified type.


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  • AMC 8: [year] AMC 8 Problem #, Ex: 2013 AMC 8 Problem 1
  • AMC 10: [year] AMC 10A Problem # OR [year] AMC 10B Problem #, Ex: 2015 AMC 10A Problem 16
  • AMC 12: [year] AMC 12A Problem # OR [year] AMC 12B Problem #, Ex: 2021 AMC 12B Problem 25
  • AIME: [year] AIME I Problem # OR [year] AIME II Problem #, Ex: 2013 AIME I Problem 8
  • USAJMO/USAMO: [year] USAJMO/USAMO Problem #, Ex: 2023 USAJMO Problem 1
  • Codeforces: Codeforces [contest id (e.g. 101)][problem id (e.g. A, B, C)]: [Codeforces problem name], Ex: Codeforces 1336F: Journey
  • AtCoder: AtCoder [contest id (e.g. ABC314, ARC164, ZONE2021)]: [problem id (A, B, C)]. [Problem name], Ex: AtCoder ZONE2021: E. Sneaking
  • DMOJ: DMOJ [contest name (if applicable)] [problem number (e.g. P1)] - [Problem name], Ex: DMOJ Yet Another Contest 3 P1 - Shell Swap Scam
  • USACO: [year] [contest month (e.g. January, US Open)], [division (e.g. Gold)]: [Problem name], Ex: USACO 2023 US Open Contest, Bronze: Rotate and Shift

ID Problem Name (click to add insights/hints, view summary of insights/hints and similar problems)
3800 Codeforces 894A: QAQ
3799 Codeforces 893F: Subtree Minimum Query
3798 Codeforces 893E: Counting Arrays
3797 Codeforces 893D: Credit Card
3796 Codeforces 893C: Rumor
3795 Codeforces 893B: Beautiful Divisors
3794 Codeforces 893A: Chess For Three
3793 Codeforces 892B: Wrath
3792 Codeforces 892A: Greed
3791 Codeforces 891E: Lust
3790 Codeforces 891D: Sloth
3789 Codeforces 891C: Envy
3788 Codeforces 891B: Gluttony
3787 Codeforces 891A: Pride
3786 Codeforces 889E: Mod Mod Mod
3785 Codeforces 888G: Xor-MST
3784 Codeforces 888F: Connecting Vertices
3783 Codeforces 888E: Maximum Subsequence
3782 Codeforces 888D: Almost Identity Permutations
3781 Codeforces 888C: K-Dominant Character
3780 Codeforces 888B: Buggy Robot
3779 Codeforces 888A: Local Extrema
3778 Codeforces 887F: Row of Models
3777 Codeforces 887E: Little Brother
3776 Codeforces 887D: Ratings and Reality Shows
3775 Codeforces 887C: Solution for Cube
3774 Codeforces 887B: Cubes for Masha
3773 Codeforces 887A: Div. 64
3772 Codeforces 886F: Symmetric Projections
3771 Codeforces 886E: Maximum Element
3770 Codeforces 886D: Restoration of string
3769 Codeforces 886C: Petya and Catacombs
3768 Codeforces 886B: Vlad and Cafes
3767 Codeforces 886A: ACM ICPC
3766 Codeforces 884F: Anti-Palindromize
3765 Codeforces 884E: Binary Matrix
3764 Codeforces 884D: Boxes And Balls
3763 Codeforces 884C: Bertown Subway
3762 Codeforces 884B: Japanese Crosswords Strike Back
3761 Codeforces 884A: Book Reading
3760 Codeforces 883M: Quadcopter Competition
3759 Codeforces 883L: Berland.Taxi
3758 Codeforces 883K: Road Widening
3757 Codeforces 883J: Renovation
3756 Codeforces 883I: Photo Processing
3755 Codeforces 883H: Palindromic Cut
3754 Codeforces 883G: Orientation of Edges
3753 Codeforces 883F: Lost in Transliteration
3752 Codeforces 883E: Field of Wonders
3751 Codeforces 883D: Packmen Strike Back
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